Taking Control of Fear

“There is no greater illusion than fear, no greater wrong than preparing to defend yourself, no greater misfortune than having an enemy. Whoever can see through all fear will always be safe.” ― Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

Gena Vazquez


Fear is the most common cause of stagnation and failure for every person, in every culture and in every place on earth. Fear is subtle, it creeps into your heart, paralyzes your mind and tries to force you to dismiss any thought of change or growth. Fear is installed in every single one of us. Whether the fears are small or large, and whether we are unconscious or conscious of them.

Fear is an interruption in the flow of our personal energy and the flow of life. It starts physically in our bodies. Generally, we feel it in the pit of our stomach. When that feeling encroaches upon us, it immediately cuts us off from our knowledge, reason, ability to act and our most powerful inner strength.

There are types of fears that are good and more sensible than others. The types that are biologically organic into our DNA. For example the fear of falling, feeling pain or fear of getting hurt. The fear that helps us to make the smart choice of exercising caution so as to avoid injury. This is the amygdala brain function. The amygdala has a role in fear, but it is not the one that is popularly described. Its role in fear is more fundamental and also more mundane. It is responsible for the detection and response to a threat. Thus contributing to feelings of fear indirectly.

Some people are afraid of dying, transparency, of having knowledge, learning, being alone, or fear of having close relationships. These are common as we are taught from a very young age to carry fear. We tend to default to fear instead of the opposite which is love and knowledge. Fear is so inculcated in our beings that practically no one questions it. We live in a world predicated upon fear. It is the only language that some people understand.

In society, governments, military, corporations, organizations, and religions have used the power of fear to control masses of people. For the most part, people follow the rules, orders, and demands set forth so as to avoid punishment…



Gena Vazquez

Silicon Valley to Hollywood and Wall St. in between.